Body dysmorphic disorder can always be overcome...


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The Answer to BDD. Fast, Effective and Guaranteed

If you’re like most people who live with this fear, you probably wonder if you can ever be rid of it. After 10 years working with people with the most severe phobias, we have never met a case of bdd that could not be overcome.

If you are ready to put this behind you once and for all, here’s what we offer at CTRN:

  • A noticeable improvement, often a major one, in less than 24 hours
  • Complete confidentiality and privacy
  • We’ve helped people from 70+ countries vanquish their fear

Get Started Now

We have two proven programs for BDD We have the Home Study program (where you can go at your own speed), or you can work with a board-certified expert practitioner in our one-on-one program:

Home-Study Program: Vanquish Fear & Anxiety

CD’s & Workbook – or – Immediate Download Available

• Start Immediately by Downloading Now

• Work Privately on Your Own Time

Learn More >

One-on-One ‘VIP’ Program

Individual Program Created Specifically for You by Your Practitioner

• Private Sessions with Board-Certified Specialist

• Sophisticated Suite of Techniques to Remove Underlying Fear

Learn More >

or Compare the Two Programs

How CTRN Programs Work

Re-’wiring’ your unconscious mind is the key to this program – and its safe and surprisingly easy to do. Your rational mind knows that your BDD is illogical. But it affects you because your unconscious mind has associated ugliness with fear and perhaps a bunch of other negative emotions and they get triggered automatically – like clockwork – every time.

Until now, you just haven’t had the techniques for re-programming those connections. We are here to teach you on how to use the right techniques to vanquish the fear forever. Are you ready to learn and utilize these techniques?

When You’re Searching for Treatments and Cures to Vanquish Your BDD

We don’t, in point of fact, ‘treat’, nor do we ‘cure’. Modifying your awareness is a technique you have to learn to master for yourself. Our job is to educate you as you journey through this course to overcome your fear.

This process has proven procedures for overcoming rage, fear, depression, remorse and feelings of apprehension and helps you gain self-assurance, peace and happiness. You have dealt with these emotions haunting you long enough. Harmful thinking isn’t helping – you need to make some serious changes now.

Vanquish BDD Today.

The Triggers and Factors that Cause Your Fear

An really disturbing incident from the past, is often (though, not always) the root cause of BDD. The fear can be manufactured by the brain, in some circumstances, with seemingly no foundation. The answer if to uncover the deep-down source and replace those negative connections with positive ones. Persons that find themselves at greatest risk:

• People with a general tendency towards fear and anxiety

• Someone considered to be ‘easily upset’
• Someone who deals with adrenal insufficiency

Do those, in any way, represent you? To find out what others are saying about our ability to help, click here.

You can also read what the media has to say.

Tests, Symptoms & Diagnosis

To find out the gravity of the problem for you, use our 2 minute Online Assessment for BDD Online Test although it is fairly clear cut: It is time to do something about the fear, if it is having a significantly negative effect on your life.

  • Do you become sick at the simple thought of Ugliness?
  • Does it automatically initiate sticky hands and a mouth that is made of cotton?
  • Does your heart begin to race?
  • Do your legs turn to rubber under the weight of your own body?

Those were only a handful of examples of the feelings you might suffer. If you want to understand more about the symptoms of BDD, click here.

We can help you get rid of not just the symptoms, but the cause. This is what CTRN is all about

Drugs and Prescriptions


To use <pills and medication for BDD> isn’t supported in our program because we believe they act as ‘camouflage’, That said, you should follow your doctor’s recommendations and always and seek proper medical advice if you want to change any medication. Pills might help you cope with your BDD but only in the short term – they will not, in reality, help you eliminate it forever.

There hasn’t been a medication created specifically for treatment of BDD, just general broad-application meds – and with all the undetermined possible side effects, it is difficult to rationalize taking a prescription as the answer.

The good news is using our methods, you’ll overcome BDD, without the use of any meds..

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